"Русский переплет" зарегистрирован как СМИ.
Свидетельство о регистрации в Министерстве печати РФ: Эл. #77-4362 от
5 февраля 2001 года. При полном или частичном использовании
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12.07.2000 07:02 |
Полный текст письма на английском и адреса в интернете Вот адреса йеменского Парламента и газет.
Dear Sir/Madam:
We learned the horrific news that the Tawain court in Aden had sentenced a 27 year old refugee from Samali, Mohammed Omer Haji, to death. Mr. Haji had changed his confession from Islam to Christianity, and the sentence will be enacted unless
Mr. Haji renounces his new faith by the last court hearing on July 12 and declares to the judge three times that he returns to Islam. Mr. Haji is married, he is the father of a toddler. In mid-January he was arrested by the guards and held for two months. The Islamic party newspaper Al Sahwah and the English language Yemen Times have reported that. His detention was justified solely by his faith in Christ. Every night in prison Mr. Haji was beaten and torterred to the point when he could not stand up and even speak. The guards threatened to kill him if he does not reconvert to Islam. But he holds on to his faith: God will help me and save me. I am not alone.
We request that you take all possible actions to not let the terrible mistake happen. We respect all religions including Islam. And we do not find any connection between Islam and what can occur tomorrow.
We urge you to at least postpone the execution of the sentence to allow for a more just consideration of the case.
With a pain in the heart,
Russian writers, scientists, authors, and readers of the internet journal "Russkij Pereplet".
12.07.2000 00:17 |
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